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A member registered Jun 01, 2020

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The core gameplay idea here is quite good - even playing solo - and I quite like art direction as well. I'd echo some of the issues regarding unforgiving hitboxes and trying to go through doors, and I wish the stages were just a hair larger for the sake of maneuvering. But you've created something that entertains and you should be commended for that - even if I'm not necessarily the market for the bro-talk.

The concept is a good one and I love how cozy the aesthetic is. There is certainly a fun game in here and the potion effects add a wonderful element of chaos to things - as would, I imagine, two players fighting over a real world recipe book. I wish I could play it competitively in person.  An added collision mechanic for the players might have added another level of strategic mischief to the design.

The decision to draw routes rather than making this another twin stick shooter is a very good one. There's an excellent metagame of deciding between drawing long routes or short tactical swipes in response to opponents' movements.

I get the impression you originally hoped to make this a level-based game, but due to time/apocalypse constraints you deferred back to the tried-and-true arcade structure. The level of damage you take from opponents attacks likely would have worked better in the former format than the latter.  If the attacks did a little less, or if the enemy's shells took a little longer to reach their targets in order for you to dodge/shoot them out of the sky, the matches might last longer and might further strengthen your blend of tactics and twitch-based gameplay.

It's a well chosen aesthetic for the game, and the music compliments the environment well. The intent of the message about Sámi culture is a good one. Given more time, I would have liked further notes/diary from Momo regarding her experience and the struggles she went through. I wish the letter at the end wasn't on a timer so I could spend more time going over its contents; I had to play through a handful of times to make sure I was reading it in its entirety.